Saturday, January 29, 2005

my lovely nightmare


  1. i want to die a sadistic romance..

    never caring of peacuful
    nor tragic death..

    i shall die with the one i love

    for a beautiful and eternal sleep.

  2. oh my sweet nightmare..
    always have the presence of him in my dreams..
    everyday on my birthday..

    not truly a beautiful dream.
    and sometimes it's worst..
    but always in that state, i saw him..

    oh my first love!! also shall be my last! it has to be..

    i think he is very charming.. (or maybe a little frightening)

    and though he seems sadistic..
    then i knew he is very romantic..

  3. i never knew his name..
    for me he is only my lovely nightmare!

    and its been 17 times we have met.
    and tonight.. is the 18th time!!
    for tommorow.. will be my 19th birthday.
    oh such joy!!

    i still remember..the first time..
    in my dreams.. on my first birthday

  4. i was still a little baby..
    and he was a satanist.. a very handsome one indeed!!

    and on that moment..
    only two things came up in my mind

    i have fallen in love at first sight.. must have the risk..
    to sacrifice yourself..for the ones you love.

  5. and since that day..
    i've been always waiting for my next birthday!!

    never for the presents...
    but for his presence!

    for him..
    i wouldnt mind being chased by a werewolf..

    or being cooked alive..
    or decapitated and being eaten..
    anything for him!!!

    and no matter what he is..
    i can always recognize the face!

  6. his face..
    his smell..
    and his attitude of course!
    hmm and one more thing..
    his tattoo!!

    yes i remember.. his tattoo..
    because that tattoo.. was carved
    by my own self on my 5th birthday

    where on there he was a pirate!
    and i was the girl who got captivated!

    both of us where in love..
    but then.. there are no such rules
    for the pirates that connects with love..
    they have to turn me to the sea..

    i am the shark's feast now..

  7. i have no choice..
    but then i am helpless..

    i just closed my sight and leave to it..
    because i'll do anything for him..

    but in a blink of an eye..

    i was wrapped by his arms..
    though he didnt really hold me close..

  8. here is my 19th birthday..
    and OH! can't close my eyes!!!

    oh five more minutes..!!

    i have to be asleep!!
    i will be! or else i won't see him this year.
    yes i knew it,
    because two years ago..i've been through it!!
    oh my not-so-sweet seventeen!
    people who called themselves 'my' friends..
    kept me concious all night!!!
    'make your birthday special tonight!' they say..

    oh and when i tried to fall asleep in the morning
    he didnt come!! he didnt!
    oh gosh i wish i'd never had friends!!

  9. so many beutiful memories we were in together,

    every nightmare meant so much

    if only i never wake from this dream,
    and yet i always do, another year i have to wait for again..

    for each year i dreamt on the day of my birthday,
    sleep tight, and ventrue with him, and only with him..!

    damn, i can't sleep!!!

  10. owh gosh, four more minutes!

    because of that i really have to close my eyes now!! i have to!! i will!

    i need this, these pills..
    and one wont be enough! i'll eat all!!!

    3 more minutes.., my eyes.. closed already..
    i'm starting to get really sleepy..

  11. the dream i have on my 19th birthday..

    quite different, i felt peace..

    and beautiful..., never felt this way..

    and it didn't took me long to find... my prince!!

  12. and this time, it was really different..

    he gave a glimpse of cheer, a smile..!

    and for the very first time, he lend his hand to me..

    i couldn't refuse the offer, i took it gently..

    we even walk holding hands! owh.. what a dream come true..!

    this time, i shall never wake myself up!

  13. ini perlu di-translate gak buntel? nggak kan? mau tidur ah skrg.. zzz... g'nite!
