Saturday, November 24, 2007

Two Faces of My Girlfriend (2007) 두얼굴의 여친

Genre: Romantic Comedy
Two Faces of My Girlfriend (2007)

Gu-chang (Bong Tae-gyu) seorang pecundang sejati yang slama hidupnya blum pernah pacaran..
dia bertemu dengan A-ni (Chung Yeo-won).
seorang mahasiswi imut yang polos, lugu, dan juga rapuh..
kerapuhan A-ni membuat Gu-chang tak bisa jauh darinya..
Mereka berdua terlibat dalam hubungan yang dalam..
sampai akhirnya muncul Ha-ni..
masalah pun ikut berdatangan..

gw nemu film bagus yang berhasil mengembalikan rasa cinta gw ke film2 korea..
makasih buat ade gw yang memilih film ini waktu nemenin gw hunting di glodok..
padahal covernya ga myakinkan, ditambah lg kebosenan gw akan karakter yang tipikal dari film2 korea..
boseeeeeeeeeeeeen emosian smua!!
tapi gw salah!!
smua perasaan yang gw pengen rasain lagi saat ntn film bagus dikasih sama film ini..
mantebh deh!
gw rekomen buat pecinta film My Sassy Girl dan 50 First Dates..
gw yakin lo suka!

5 bintaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Curious Alice and Know-it-all Roy

Curious Alice & know-it-all Roy

Once there was a girl who was very curious
She was even curious about the things that were obvious
Her name was Alice
And sometimes she could be a menace

One night she met a 1Curious Alice & know-it-all Roy

Once there was a girl who was very curious
She was even curious about the things that were obvious
Her name was Alice
And sometimes she could be a menace

One night she met a "know-it-all" boy
And guess what? His name was Roy
They talked of ghosts, ghouls and witches
And wondered if wizards would grant their wishes
They talked of Frankenstein, zombies and Dracula
While they drank their icy cold cola

They roamed the cemetery together
And hoped it would be forever
At Christmas they celebrated Halloween
And once a month they went to sea in their lovely submarine

Some people said they were bride and groom of the night
Some people said they were a fright
But seeing them together was a beautiful sight

kolaborasi Halloween..
story rhymes ini buatan temen gw ms.Lena..
dan ilustrasi busuk nya buatan gw..

blajar ngewarain 1 cerita penuh sendirian..
mempraktekkan beberapa tehnik tak sempurna yang pernah diajarin sama temen2..
tp tetep ajah ngaco..
maapkan akuw kawan2..

nikmati seadanya yah..